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   Have you ever wanted to

   help raise funds for a local charity? 




Do you have a special occasion coming up and would like to

donate to a good cause rather than receive gifts

from family and friends?


Or donate to a charity the money you would have

spent on Christmas or other event cards?


Donating to a charity or good cause can feel so rewarding,

satisfying and really does boost our own well-being with those

feel good hormones.


Or are you a business that likes to support local charities?

Please consider




The Village Hall is a Charity run by volunteers for the Community, 

(Not funded by the parish or area council)

we would really welcome and appreciate any donations

that would help us with maintenance and improvements to the hall.


 Please email 


Thank You.


Hall Hiring Information


If you would like to hire

The Village Hall for a party or an event please contact our

Booking Secretary 

 Leigh on

07564 626615


If you would like more information about the Village Hall



follow us on our Facebook page



   Registered Charity 1194020




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© Fleckney Village Hall Trustees